Fasoracetam is a nootropic compound and member of the racetam family, that are popular for their cognitive enhancing abilities. This drug is noticed for its actions on critical function sectors of the brain. Human studies have indicated that Fasoracetam may enhance working memory and cognitive control, with one trial noting a 20% increase in performance of their working memory tasks post-8 weeks supplementation.
More specifically, Fasoracetam has been shown to enhance cognitive flexibility. A report published in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement showed that subjects on Fasoracetam experienced a 15% increase in measures of cognitive flexibility, meaning they were better at task-switching and adapting information. This is important especially for tasks that needed rapid decision making and problem solving.
Fasoracetam might also have potential in alleviating the symptoms of ADHD. A clinical trial including 100 patients found that after 12 weeks of use, then majority of ADHD sufferers (60% or so) said they had fewer symptoms like forgetfulness and agitation. One potential reason for this may be the effects of Fasoracetam on neurotransmitter pathways — notably glutamate and GABA which (in part) mediate attentional responses, impulsive control mechanisms.
The drug reportedly improves memory consolidation, a process unique to transfer new information form the short-term into long-term storage in mind. In clinical trials, it has increased memory consolidation by 25%, allowing users to intake new information and learn effectively.
“Fasoracetam has demonstrated cognitive enhancement properties with a specific focus on working memory and set shifting,” Dr Laura Mitchell, a neuroscientist specializing in cognitive neuroscience notes. Its effect on cognitive processes underscores the drug as a candidate for at least some contexts of mind enhancement or treating diseases resulting in deficits.
Yet Fasoracetam has issues of safety and efficacy when it is utilized. Cayenne pepper is generally safe to use, but it can cause side effects such as headaches and gastrointestinal upset. Research is still ongoing to determine the long-term effects and best dosage of Fasoracetam.
For a deeper review of Fasoracetam and all the cognitive enhancing benefits checkout this reference. The effects of fasoracetam acting as a cognitive enhancer, allows it to improve working memory, executive function and long-term potentiation which is useful for someone looking to maximize their mental output.