Stopping using NSFW AI requires a systematic methodology with fact-based decision making and unique industry insights. Quantify Data: The first step is to evaluate the existing costs of NSFW AI. For example, keeping AIs for NSFW with such classification precision will cost more than $10K / month operationally, excluding computing and data storage costs.
Industry Lingo: Learn the relevant lingo, such as content moderation, algorithmic bias and manual review process. In moving beyond AI, the manual review mechanisms have to be scaled up (more content moderators need to be hired and their training for taking over from where AI left off)
Facebook, for instance cut down its usage of AI in moderating content far more than previously possible after many reports documenting algorithmic bias. Reallocating resources allowed Facebook to grow its human moderators by 15% and moderated with more nuance, but at a cost of higher operational overhead.
Quotes and references: ▪ Mark Zuckerberg — “Building community and bringing the world closer together requires tackling challenging problems, sometimes with technology and sometimes without it. And that poses the risk of falling into a reality in which we are tools driven, rather than tool tempered as this quote illustrates.
My point: Fact-Based Answers to implications of ending NSFW AI This response should use hard data from research, and it is written in English. What effect does this have on efficiency and cost? Human moderation is relatively slow, as an average human moderator can moderate 500 images a day compared to the AI doing over 200 images per second. That could mean as much a 30-40% increase in operational costs, to cover increased personnel requirements and extra time taken for review.
These changes require us to tweak the content moderation workflow. For instance, use a phased approach where AI is used to handle high-volume, low-risk content while human moderators manage complex cases. The transition time is less efficient, but this hybrid model helps keep it flowing in the right direction.
Those considering whether this balance is the right one to cease NSFW AI need to conduct strategic planning and comprehensively assess financial and operational consequences. Find out more about NSFW AI on nsfw ai.